Sunday, September 20, 2009

Accidental Bell Pepper Plants

I buried some bell pepper seeds and other veggies left-over in one of the pot to let it
compose so that it can become natural composed fertilizer.
After few months, I realized there are 2 plants growing in the pot with little white
flowers, I don't know what kind of tree it is, so I just snap some of it's branch to clear
it up for my other plants, never realize that it's actually 2 bell pepper plants.
One night when I was watering my plant, I noticed a very cute little red bell pepper
hanging from the "unknown" tree. To my surprise, they are bell peppers :D
I never knew that with the hot and low land climate in southeast asia, the bell pepper
can survive.
Here are some pictures of my "accidental" bell pepper plants in a pot, at various stages:

This is the first bell
pepper I
noticed from the
"unknown" plant
Bell peppers
plant with flowers
Bell peppers plant with
a lot of bell peppers
Bell peppers plant with
a lot of bell peppers

Second time harvest,
just one bell pepper
since want to wait
it's ripe and red :D

Third time harvest,
also one bell pepper only :D
Fourth time harvest,
also one bell pepper only :D
Fifth harvest, can't wait
all of them to turn red
anymore because I didn't
use any pesticides, so the bugs
already started
to feast on them :D
Stir fried own grown
bell peppers with oyster
mushrooms and cauliflowers


petite nyonya said...

wow, fantastic! accidental bell peppers! so lucky!!

SoloProgrammer said...

very lucky indeed, even now I tried to plant the bell pepper "on purpose", the flowers still cannot turn into bell peppers, hahaha.